Emme Menopause

The M word

At Menopause Babble we are on a mission to bring the reality of menopause out into the open, to break any taboos and stigmas

Every woman in the world will go through the menopause and yet there is still a level of shame to the point that women are sometimes reluctant to speak to their friends or family about it – or even tell their partners

More openness and knowledge of what happens during menopause and leading up to it is essential

Whatever your age or gender, it will affect you or people close to you, it’s time to break stigmas and for us all to understand the truth about the menopause

What causes menopause?

What age will you start to experience symptoms?

What are the symptoms?

Is there a cure?

Is HRT dangerous?

Can nutrition and exercise help?

How do you manage stress and sleep deprivation?

Do men go through the menopause?

These are just some of the many questions around this ‘hidden topic’

Some women experience little or no symptoms, however the majority of women across the world experience a whole range of side effects such as anxiety, sleeplessness, hot flushes, night sweats, brain fog and much more

We will be covering what’s fake and what’s real news and bringing the latest news to you from around the world on

Of the world population of menopausal and post menopause women, it is estimated that approximately 25 million women pass through menopause each year, and that in 1990 there were 467 million post-menopausal women in the world, with an average age of about 60 years.

By 2030, the world population of menopausal and postmenopausal women is projected to increase to 1.2 billion, with 47 million new entrants each year.

Together we can break the silence, change views, create a community and empower women around the world.


We would love to hear from you. Sharing your experiences inspire others and whether sharing anonymously or as you, your story will help to break the silence. Email us at [email protected] or share your story on social @menopausebabble

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