Emme Menopause

Why is Pilates so good for you during the menopause

Regular physical activity is paramount during the Menopause. That’s why I devised my 6 week Fitness/Pilates Menopause Metamorphosis Programme.

Everyone will go through the Menopause differently, some will have more symptoms than others. Some of those are;


Weight gain

Hot flushes

Loss of Bone density… to name but a few…

That’s why its so important to factor exercise into your life to alleviate some of the symptoms.

Working with your own body weight and weights is vital ( something we do a lot in Pilates) As as we go through menopause a women can in fact lose up to 20% of bone density during the 5/7 years following menopause, which means there could be potentially a higher chance of developing osteoporosis. So doing activities that can put stress on bones will stimulate extra deposits of calcium and nudge bone forming cells into action.

Working out will also help maintain our muscle mass which is great not only to support our skeletal frame but also to help with our metabolism. The more muscle mass we have the more metabolically active we are and the more calories we can burn. Win win!

Pilates can also help with anxiety as the breath can be calming and the slow controlled flexibility classes calming on the mind.

Heart health is also paramount going through Menopause so a Pilates class that is more cardio based will help.

Pilates is also wonderful for the posture and core stability which again is important through menopause

Many of the exercises are concerned with alignment and working from the centre which will only enhance our core and deportment.

In my 6 week programme I address all of the above with classes for heart health, bone density and anxiety and so much more!

If you are interested in learning more about  the programme visit here


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