Emme Menopause

Facial procedures to help minimise the signs of ageing

Living in a female body as it transitions through its 40 to 50 years or so on the planet can be tricky. Not least because of the unexpected and often distressing symptoms of the perimenopause and the menopause – both physical and emotional.

With the array of these symptoms aside, there’s also the fact that we face skin ageing

We truly believe that how we choose to age – gracefully or disgracefully, is personal choice.

We can embrace the visible signs of ageing that appear on our face, or we can do all we can to reverse them – it really is our own choice.

Should we choose to have procedures to hide wrinkles and sagging skin, there are various options we can choose from

Some more invasive than others! Perhaps one of the most invasive is a facelift. But what does this entail and what can it achieve?

The ins and outs of a facelift

A facelift can completely reshape the lower half of your face. This means that it can tighten loose skin around the jawline, remove deep nose to mouth lines, eliminate fat and loose skin on the neck and chin and generally tighten everything up and smooth it out.

If this sounds wonderful, you’re right – techniques these days really have come on since the days of skin that’s too tight and tell-tale signs of ‘going under the surgeons’ knife’.

However, it is still quite intensive surgery that involves surgical incisions around the hairline and down to the ear, lifting the skin and underlying tissues upwards and backwards, and stitching it back into place with stitches or staples.

All surgeons will have perfected their own technique, and exactly how they do it will depend on them and your skin and expectations.

It isn’t without risk, either. Side effects of this kind of surgery include bruising, swelling, pain, bleeding, nerve damage and scarring. These are all minimal risks but only with the right, qualified, experienced surgeon.

Of course, opting for major surgery means expense, time off work and time off all other duties to recover. There’s also the fear factor, understandably.

But there are minimally invasive procedures that can help to turn back the clock on wrinkles and sagging

The most well-known of which is Botox.

Botox is an injectable that treats fine lines caused by repetitive muscle movements around the face

Commonly treatment is around the eyes, in the forehead and between the brows. It works by limiting the movement of certain muscles in order to minimise wrinkles. It isn’t as long lasting as a facelift, and cannot remove excess skin, but it does have a significant effect on wrinkled skin.

Laser resurfacing

Wrinkled skin around the eyes responds well to a different procedure called fractionated laser resurfacing that helps to stimulate collagen production to tighten and lift the skin.

Chemical peel

Sun damaged skin and hyperpigmentation can also be helped by having a chemical peel to reveal the fresh skin layers underneath. Like Botox and laser treatments, chemical peels should only ever be carried out by qualified and experienced practitioners or therapists.

Skincare products

There’s always using good quality skincare products, including intensive serums and anti-ageing moisturisers which will keep your skin hydrated and glowing. And if that’s the case, wrinkles will take a backseat anyway!t

What products or treatments have you used? Have they worked for you? We would love to hear your stories at [email protected]

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